Constantly changing technology has created a business world rife with ADD. Computers, smart phones and 15 second TV commercials have turned us all into chronically unfocused serial multi-taskers. Like bees flying from flower to flower in rapid succession, we move from task to task and interaction to interaction at blinding speed. Unlike bees, we rarely stop to “smell the roses.” To keep up with the demands on our time and attention, we sprint through our to-do lists. Each business day is a new battle in the war. Sales Managers bark out instructions to their troops while new opportunities explode all around them. What effect has this reality had on sales productivity and customer satisfaction? Let’s think about that for a moment.

After thirty years in sales, management and leadership, I’ve come to regard professional salespeople much like I do thoroughbred horses. They are magnificent, powerful and live to win. They can also be temperamental, high-strung and behave like prima donnas. Professional horse trainers have learned how to harness the full potential of their athletes:

• Constantly train them so they are ready to race and win.
• Develop a one on one relationship with them based on trust.
• Guide them to ever greater accomplishments.
• Reward them for superior performance.
• Give them focused attention and tender loving care to keep them on top of their game.

As a sales leader, I’ve found these same principles should be applied when helping my sales thoroughbreds. Note the key words in the bullets above. Training, development, guidance, rewards and focused attention are critical when helping sales professionals achieve their maximum career potential and personal happiness. However, those same words require a commitment of time and attention to your people. Is it even possible in today’s hyper-paced, ADD world? Yes it is. In fact, it has to be!

Giving your prime ponies what they need doesn’t require a huge investment of time. What it does require is 100% focus on each person, one at a time. You need to love the one you’re with, when you’re with them. Here are some methods I’ve found effective:

Dedicated personal time every day – Take 10 minutes of focused private time every day with each person on your team. Make this time sacred and ensure that everyone knows it’s sacred. No phones, no interruptions and no exceptions. I give my folks a code that has to be used when they break this rule. The first words out of their mouth must be “the house is on fire!”, or they better get the hell out of my office and leave us alone. They know I’ll commit to the same personal attention when I’m helping them.
This code means there is an emergency customer issue needing to be addressed. In this game, customer always trumps salesperson. No customers, no sales. If the salesperson is out in the field, do it on the phone and keep it as focused as if the person were in the room with you.

Ask how you can help them stay focused on sales today – I’ve always viewed the leadership role as me working for them, not vice versa. They are running a race. My job is to remove obstacles from the track so they can stay focused and win that race. They generate revenue. I’m overhead. I commit to take at least one non-revenue generating activity off their plate every day. It builds mutual respect and trust. Try it, it works!

The Top Five – ADD makes it difficult to concentrate and separate critical tasks from those that can wait. Help your people stay focused by identifying the top five things they need to get done today. Guide them toward the actions they’ll need to take to make good things happen. Will they get more than five things done per day? Of course they will. However, the top five will get them in the habit of “first things first.”

We entrust our salespeople with our greatest business asset, the customer. Happy, focused and loyal sales professionals create happy, focused and loyal customers. Therefore, when it comes to your thoroughbreds, be sure to always love the one you’re with right now.

Until next time…



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