Hello Friends...
Each day I like to post a quote on my Facebook page that I've found personally inspiring. I even go so far as to post a quote of my own from time to time in an effort to "keep it real." Recently, I came across a quote that really made an impact on me. I'd like to share it with you and some of the idea seeds it planted in me. Eleanor Roosevelt said:
"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."
I previously mentioned Facebook, so I'll let that be my first area of human thought communication on which to test the validity of this quote. I can't even imagine what Eleanor would have to say about the type of minds on Facebook (including my own). What are some of the great minds on Facebook saying right now?
"Sunbathing is the best-whats even better is when you're doing it by a pool ♥"
"Maria just balanced her phone on her big toe. Epic."
"Eatting lunch and on facebook at the same time...HORRAY FOR MULTITASKING!!!" (Actual spelling)
"People need to grow up!"
"FOR many years it was all about me, what i can get or do, now for some odd reason its not all about me ,and guess what theres alot of satisfaction in helping others :)"
Absolutely mentally exhilarating. I was able to sleep while cutting and pasting those posts into this article. HOORAY FOR MULTITASKING! In all fairness, I really like the revelation expressed in the last quoted post. Helping others is a great idea, if for no other reason than it keeps us out of our own heads. If I could help others and do it by a pool... That would be the best. I was especially impressed with the simple and direct observation of people needing to grow up. Epic.
Ok, so maybe Facebook isn't the place to go searching for great minds, or for that matter average ones. Let's move on to the purveyor of most human knowledge in this day and age, television. But where to start? I'll start in Eleanor's proverbial backyard. Politics.
There are a plethora of great minds discussing politics on TV. How do I know this you ask? They told me so. Let's compare today's political voices to those from the past:
Past - Patrick Henry, Nicolo Machiavelli, Voltaire, Homer, Confucius
Present - Keith Olbermann, Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews, Rush Limbaugh, Wolf Blitzer
I've racked my brain trying to come up with a litmus test that would help me determine which of these great minds' ideas will have the greatest impact on political and social thought in the years to come. I decided to once again turn to quotes for the answer:
Patrick Henry - "Give me liberty or give me death."
Nicolo Machiavelli - The end justifies the means."
Voltaire - "Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices."
Homer - "Once harm has been done, even a fool understands it."
Confucius - "He who fart in church, sit in pew."
Keith Olbermann - "Reagan's dead, and he was a lousy President."
Bill O'Reilly - " Yeah, I'm obnoxious. Yeah, I cut people off. Yeah, I'm rude. You know why? Because you're busy."
Chris Matthews - "I mean, in a way, Obama's standing above the country, above - above the world. He's sort of God. He's going to bring all different sides together."
Rush Limbaugh - "Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream."
Wolf Blitzer - "Looks like a pretty serious race unfolding."
I have an idea! I'll read books. Old ones. That's another idea that should help make me a great mind.
Ok, so Facebook and TV are out. Where else should I look for great minds? Men of letters? Nobody writes letters anymore. Philosophers? Socrates is dead. Leaders? Arnold's got his hands full in California. Maybe a little closer to home. Here are some folks that inspire me with their wisdom, brevity and common sense:
My brother Art - "Get to the verb." I love this one. Tell me what you want, tell me why you want it, tell me what's in it for us. Genius.
My friend Barry - "Feelings are not facts. Emotions are not emergencies" I can't think of a quote I've referred to more when my Irish was up.
My friend Martin - "It's not about you. It's never been about you. So get over yourself."
My friend John Andrew Holmes - "It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others."
Ok, the last one isn't really my "friend", but I have his quote posted on my desk so I can refer to it every morning. By repeatingly reading it, I hope to stop talking about others and events, and focus on new ideas.
Now that really is, EPIC.
Enjoy today. It's all any of us have and all any of us need. Till next time
Each day I like to post a quote on my Facebook page that I've found personally inspiring. I even go so far as to post a quote of my own from time to time in an effort to "keep it real." Recently, I came across a quote that really made an impact on me. I'd like to share it with you and some of the idea seeds it planted in me. Eleanor Roosevelt said:
"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people."
I previously mentioned Facebook, so I'll let that be my first area of human thought communication on which to test the validity of this quote. I can't even imagine what Eleanor would have to say about the type of minds on Facebook (including my own). What are some of the great minds on Facebook saying right now?
"Sunbathing is the best-whats even better is when you're doing it by a pool ♥"
"Maria just balanced her phone on her big toe. Epic."
"Eatting lunch and on facebook at the same time...HORRAY FOR MULTITASKING!!!" (Actual spelling)
"People need to grow up!"
"FOR many years it was all about me, what i can get or do, now for some odd reason its not all about me ,and guess what theres alot of satisfaction in helping others :)"
Absolutely mentally exhilarating. I was able to sleep while cutting and pasting those posts into this article. HOORAY FOR MULTITASKING! In all fairness, I really like the revelation expressed in the last quoted post. Helping others is a great idea, if for no other reason than it keeps us out of our own heads. If I could help others and do it by a pool... That would be the best. I was especially impressed with the simple and direct observation of people needing to grow up. Epic.
Ok, so maybe Facebook isn't the place to go searching for great minds, or for that matter average ones. Let's move on to the purveyor of most human knowledge in this day and age, television. But where to start? I'll start in Eleanor's proverbial backyard. Politics.
There are a plethora of great minds discussing politics on TV. How do I know this you ask? They told me so. Let's compare today's political voices to those from the past:
Past - Patrick Henry, Nicolo Machiavelli, Voltaire, Homer, Confucius
Present - Keith Olbermann, Bill O'Reilly, Chris Matthews, Rush Limbaugh, Wolf Blitzer
I've racked my brain trying to come up with a litmus test that would help me determine which of these great minds' ideas will have the greatest impact on political and social thought in the years to come. I decided to once again turn to quotes for the answer:
Patrick Henry - "Give me liberty or give me death."
Nicolo Machiavelli - The end justifies the means."
Voltaire - "Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices."
Homer - "Once harm has been done, even a fool understands it."
Confucius - "He who fart in church, sit in pew."
Keith Olbermann - "Reagan's dead, and he was a lousy President."
Bill O'Reilly - " Yeah, I'm obnoxious. Yeah, I cut people off. Yeah, I'm rude. You know why? Because you're busy."
Chris Matthews - "I mean, in a way, Obama's standing above the country, above - above the world. He's sort of God. He's going to bring all different sides together."
Rush Limbaugh - "Feminism was established to allow unattractive women easier access to the mainstream."
Wolf Blitzer - "Looks like a pretty serious race unfolding."
I have an idea! I'll read books. Old ones. That's another idea that should help make me a great mind.
Ok, so Facebook and TV are out. Where else should I look for great minds? Men of letters? Nobody writes letters anymore. Philosophers? Socrates is dead. Leaders? Arnold's got his hands full in California. Maybe a little closer to home. Here are some folks that inspire me with their wisdom, brevity and common sense:
My brother Art - "Get to the verb." I love this one. Tell me what you want, tell me why you want it, tell me what's in it for us. Genius.
My friend Barry - "Feelings are not facts. Emotions are not emergencies" I can't think of a quote I've referred to more when my Irish was up.
My friend Martin - "It's not about you. It's never been about you. So get over yourself."
My friend John Andrew Holmes - "It is well to remember that the entire universe, with one trifling exception, is composed of others."
Ok, the last one isn't really my "friend", but I have his quote posted on my desk so I can refer to it every morning. By repeatingly reading it, I hope to stop talking about others and events, and focus on new ideas.
Now that really is, EPIC.
Enjoy today. It's all any of us have and all any of us need. Till next time
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