I made the unfortunate choice of watching quite a bit of news over the last two weeks. As the reports of economic, political, business and personal tragedy piled up I noticed something. What hit me square in the face was the negative tone in each story. Ingrained in the assessment of every situation we face today were the consequences of failure. I’m not talking about your run of the mill everyday failure. I’m referring to failure of the devastating and catastrophic variety. Armageddon, if you will. Before I felt an overwhelming desire to head to the knife drawer in the kitchen, I turned off the TV. I also started looking into TV news rehab. Since I’m afraid of knives and was unable to find a rehab focused on this particular malady, I decided on a little self-help. I’m an amateur therapist so I kept it simple. The obvious cure for pessimism must be optimism. The opposite of negative is positive. I set out to find examples that would prove my hypothesis. Some facts came to light quick...