In my last article, I shared some of my experience on a number of the things that make great sales professionals great. The topic of this piece deserves exclusive attention as a vital characteristic of top level sales performers. Attention to the details involved with helping your customers will build a defensive “moat” around your customer’s castle that the competition will find very difficult to breach. Not everything is an emergency, unless of course your customer thinks it is! Being there when your customer needs you is a key component of your value proposition. Think of it as making your moat as wide as possible. Schedule a specific time with your customer to discuss your plan for being accessible to them. TALK My advice is to make voice contact with you easy for your customers. I like to pick one number for them to use as my contact number. Since I’m always in and out of the office, I use my cell phone number. If I’m in the office I forward my cell there. If I’m out or on ...